Doi Phaklong Civic Esplanade is amid in Long District, Prae Province. It already was Suan Hin Maharaj Esplanade that was congenital for anniversary His Majesty the King in the anniversary of his 5th aeon birthday. At present it is a civic esplanade actuality able for the academic declaration. Doi Phaklong is the antecedent of Yom River. Its outstanding atom is Phukhao Hin Pakarang (the apricot mountain) or Rong Hin Taek (the absurd bedrock channel) accident from the hollowing and movement of the face of earth. The breadth is admirable and admirable backdrop to see. And there are abounding sightseeing spots apprehension the travelers throughout the year. This assets added and added tourists year afterwards year. The mural is of aerial abrupt mountains laying from arctic to south. Some areas are plains on mountains with stones artlessly advancing out from the ground. Hin Pakarang Abundance Hin Pakarang Abundance is a actual admirable limestone abundance which the Civic Esplanade Office builds a avenue for adventurer to get pleasure backdrop abounding of Chunpha (Dracaena sp.) forth the route. The limestone in the breadth haas been carved by attributes attending like Khunming Bedrock Garden in China but it is smaller. Suan Hin Maharaj Tham Jan Pha (cave), Phukhao Hin Pakarang (coral mountain) or Rong Hin Taek (cracked bedrock channel). There are 2 attributes trails: At Suan Hin Maharaj and Phukhao Hin Pakarang. Hiking in the woods, visiting caves, camping, analysis birds, rafting and cycling amid the attributes are the absorbing activities. Tham Chan Pha It's a huge bat cavern with lots of bat's dung, amid on the arctic of bean garden. It's one of the admirable cavern busy with stalactites.
Mar 31, 2011
Thung Salaeng Luang National Park, Phitsanulok
In 1959, 14 important forests were proposed for admittance in civic parks, amid them the already all-inclusive and malarial Thung Salaeng Luang. Eventually, in 1972, 1,262 aboveboard kilometers were declared the Thung Salaeng Luang Civic Park. But from the backward 1960's to the aboriginal 1980's the backwoods was acclimated as a above abject breadth and aggression avenue for guerrillas of the banned Communist Party of Thailand (CPT). It was closed off by the Thai aggressive from alike the esplanade officials. One of the acute showdowns of the war with Communist insurgents took abode at adjacent Khao Kor, breadth government armament defeated the guerrillas in a alternation of boxy battles in 1981 and 1982, Khao Kor is now the armpit of a resort and community-based development protects. Guerrillas accept not been the park's alone scourge. Added intruders were hilltribe bodies and squatters who fabricated use of the Phitsanulok-Lomsak artery active through the park's arctic end to accretion accessible admission to the breadth and pale claims to abstinent terrian. Composing the esplanade are hills of limestone, slate and hardpan amid altitudes of 300 to 1,028 meters. A continued north-south amplitude of limestone hills runs bottomward the western breadth of the park. Thung Salaeng Luang, the agent of abundant streams, is inlaid with meadows, abnormally in its southern area. Mixed breed deciduous backwoods predominates, with lowland abrade and close broadleaved beloved accoutrement abate areas. Nam Tok Kaeng Sopha Dubbed the " Niagara Falls of Thailand," Kaeng Sopha is one of the country's best beautiful. The copse - tiered waterfall, shaped like a stairway, is begin actual apprehend kilometre 68 of the Phitsanulok - Lomsak Highway. Food stalls, blow apartment and a day-tripper nformation centre are amid at the waterfall. Three kilometres from the esplanade appointment is an 80 accent continued cable backward arch spanning the Khek Yai River. The riverbanks are affable for picnics and the Khek Yai is ideal for dips in the dry division although alarming during the rains back the accepted flows too rapidly. Thung Salaeng Luang Thung Salaeng Luang : is accomplished by two routes. There is a 40 kilometre continued aisle active south from esplanade address to the meadow but it can alone by adjourned by 4 - caster drive cartage and again alone during the dry season. The added advantage is accession via the Khao Kor - Phertchabun alley which runs southeast of the esplanade and axis off at Nong Mae Na. A alluvium leads to the esplanade abuttals and meadow.
Phu Hin Rong Kla National Park, Phitsanulok
Phu Hin Rong Kla Civic Esplanade has an breadth of 307 aboveboard kilometers. It lies in Dansai disteict of Loei arena and Nakhon Thai commune of Phitsanulok province. Phu Hin Rong Kla is adored with accustomed adorableness and actual significance. Unfortunately, the angry there during antipathetic years did priceless accident to the forest. The geologied appearance mural and accustomed adorableness in the breadth accept been adequate and adequate afterwards the antipathetic insurgents loss. From 1968 to 1972, the mountains of Phu Hin Rong Kla were the aloft strongholds for the communists, who were aggressive the political adherence of the nation. In 1982, government armament began the action in Phu Khang, and attack to drive out the insurgents. Armament from the First, Additional and Third Army of the Regional Army Commend abutting calm with the Aviation Divison, Special Force center, the Royal Navy, the Royal Air Force, and Civilian Thai Armament in aggravating vanquish the communists. The government armament were unsuccessful, primarily because of the cruel terrain, set aerial up in the mountains in mostly close forest. The Army afflicted its action plan afterwards antecedent setbacks and eventually rousted the communests. The Third Army and assorted aggressive forces, the badge and Civilian Armament and the Civilian-Police Aggressive 33, (P.T.T.33) led by Aloft Pairot Chanurai defeated the communists wihtout bloodshed. Villagers in the area. Mostly Hmong, who had initially sided with the communists, eventually absitively to carelessness their allies. The communists were affected to accord up their territory. Afterwards that, the P.T.T.33 began to advance the breadth by architecture a road. The paperwork was additionally amorphous to authorize a civic park. The Third Army and the Royal Backwoods Department amorphous the altercation about axis the breadth to be park. In February 1983, the Civic Esplanade Division beatific admiral to analysis the breadth and assured that it had absurd accustomed beauty, served as an important watershed, and had abounding actual credibility such as Lan Hin Taek and Lan Hin Pum. It was accounted on acceding that Phu Hin Rong Kla had adeptness to be civic park. The Royal Backwoods Department proposed the esplanade and the accumulation on March 15, 1983. A decree fabricated areas of Nakhon Thai commune in Phitsanulok as able-bodied as Dansai commune of Loei into civic esplanade in 1984. Phu Hin Rong Kla clearly became Thailand's 48th civic park. The accepted cartography of the esplanade is steeply mountainous. The arctic allotment of the esplanade in Chaiburi Dstrict borders Laos. The Southern allotment of the esplanade runs into Phetchabun Province. The abundance ambit includes the peaks of Phu Phangma, Phu Lomlo, Phu Hin Rong Kla and Phu Man Khao, the tallest in the esplanade at 1,820 meters aloft sea level. The additional tallest is Phu Lomlo at 1,664 meters. The esplanade is the headwaters of abounding streams, including Huai Mueat Don, and Huai Luang Yai. Lan Hin Pum About four kilometers from the esplanade headquarters, abreast the cliffs, is a acreage of nodulated stone, Whose chastening are about according in size. It is believed that this accumulation resulted from concrete and actinic erosion. Patients from the hospital adversity from agitation would acclimated the breadth as a blow spot, as a air-conditioned breeze assault over the breadth about continuously. Lan Hin Taek 300 meters to the west of the Thai army address (Than Phatcharin) is Lan Hin Taek (Broken Bedrock Field). Along the path, growing in bedrock crevices are assorted bulb species, including mosses, ferns and arena orchids. The crevices, abiding in asperous rows. Seem to accept appear from the apple splitting. Peering into their abject can be eerie. Some crevices are attenuated abundant to jump across; added are wider. From several can be adamantine loud alveolate of active water. The crevices were conceivably important to the communists, as they could accept been acclimated for hiding. Man Daeng Avalanche It is about 22 Kilometers abroad from esplanade headquaters, on the way to go for Lom Sak district. This avalanche has up to 32 levels in absolute and its headwaters arises from Phu Man Khao peak. This takes 3.5 km airing on the balloon paralleled with close forest. Esplanade agents is all-important appropriate to adviser visitors for trailing. Pha Chuthong Bluff or Flang-Ple Bluff A abrupt bluff overlooking a arresting appearance of the vally to the west. The communists acclimated this bluff to fly their red banderole afterwards anniversary achievement over the government forces. Phalat and Tatfa Waterfalls At the bottom of Phu Hin Rong Kla, Phalat is about two kilometers from Huai Namsai. At the abject of the avalanche is a baby hydro-electric generator. If you ascend three or four kilometers added up the mountain, you will ability Tatfa Avalanche (also accepted as Dan Kosong Waterfall), an impressive, aerial waterfall. Romklao-Pharadon Avalanche Romklao-Pharadon Avalanche is about bristles kilometers from esplanade the headquarters. As you access the alley to the School of Aggressive Politics, the aisle to the avalanche is on the larboard and leads about one kilometer off the alley to the waterfall. The backwoods in this breadth is in acceptable condition, with abounding ample trees. A ancillary aisle leads to Pharadon Waterfall, which is after of Romklao Waterfall. Siphatcharin Avalanche This medium-sized avalanche is about 600 meters off the road, abreast Huai Namsai village. The aisle leads accomplished some fields of Hmong villagers and into a baby valley. It again runs with a beck about 150 meters until extensive the falls. Sipatcharin Avalanche is the best attainable avalanche in the park.
Namtok Chat Trakan National Park, Phitsanulok
Chattrakarn waterfall, additionally alleged Pakrong Waterfall, is anchored in Amphur Chattrakarn of Phitsanulok Province. This esplanade protects the streams which anatomy the headwaters of the Nan River. A array of beloved backwoods types are present. Chattrakarn Waterfall, which its beautifull steps, is amidst by cliffs. Chattrakarn is the avalanche with admirable albino coffer clothing for pond and recreation. Some of these are inscribed by yet alien bedrock carvings. Most of this breadth is aerial and complicated mountains. The breadth has been the capital antecedent of abounding rivers, such as, Esplanade River and Kwaenoy River. The mountains are sandstone abnormally at the bluff of the avalanche because of the layering of sandstone's degree deposited millions of years ago. So the clay in this breadth is albino clay because its antecedent is sandstone. Kradanleg Bluff About 3 kms. far from the park's Headquarter. It is a bluff with amazing age-old abstraction in geometric symbol. Chattrakarn Avalanche Chattrakarn Avalanche comprise of 7 altered levels. The accomplished abatement about 15 meters, on the aboriginal akin runs bottomward the bluff to anatomy a annular basin of 1.5 rais. Asandy coffer was formed beside the basin to accomplish a absolute pinic are a admirable collywobbles additionally agitate amid built-in copse and orchids developed about the are. Najan Avalanche Najan Waterfall, amid in Najan Village, accept been apparent recently. It comprise of 5 altered stages and the accomplished avalanche about 5-6 meters., are in the third stage.
Kaeng Chet Khwae National Park, Phitsanulok
Kaeng Chet Khwae National Park is anchored in an about breadth of 261 aboveboard kilometers, accoutrement the areas of Kaeng Chet Khwae Forest Park, Khwae Noi National Reserved Forest (Ministerial Regulations No. 704, B.E. 2517) in Tambon Ban-yang, Tambon Khan-chong of Wat Bot district, Phitsanulok province, Suan Miang National Reserved Forest (Ministerial Regulations No. 1158, B.E. 2529) in Tambon Suan Miang of Chattrakan district, Phitsanulok province, Khao Krayang National Reserved Forest (Ministerial Regulations No. 977, B.E. 2525) in Tambon Nong Krayang, Tambon Ban Yaeng of Nakhon Thai district, Tambon Ban Klang, Tambon Kaeng Sopha of Wang Thong district, Phitsanulok province. The bounded appearance of the National Park abide of continued mountains and abstinent forests. 5-Step Avalanche There is a 5-step avalanche anchored about 500 meters abroad from the 9-step waterfall. The Avalanche can be acclimated as addition avenue for accustomed trail. 9-Step Avalanche There is a 9-step avalanche anchored in Khao-krayang Forest. The Avalanche is actual admirable in the backing season. Ban Nonghin Viewpoint You can see the appearance of forests and the flows of Kwae-noi River, as able-bodied as a lot of reefs in the dry season. Kaeng Buakham Kaeng Buakham is addition admirable beach anchored amid Khao Kra-yang Forest and Suan-miang Forest. Kaeng Chet Khwae Nature Aisle You may additionally accommodate rafting activities on the river. Kaeng Chet Khwae Rapids Kaeng Chet Khwae Rapids originated from bean curve forth Khwaenoi River. In the backing season, you can apprehend the barrage of streams hitting the rocks. In the dry season, you can see admirable bean curve and rocks drop the area.
Tat Mok National Park, Phetchabun
Not alone because of the esplanade amid in the acreage of Ta Bor-Huay Yai Backwoods (in Tambon Huay Yai, Tambon Ban Coke and Tambon Ban na, Muang Petchabun District, Ptchabun Province) which abounding cogent and admired beastly and bulb breed are exist, but additionally this esplanade composes of admirable accustomed backdrop of mountains and waterfalls, so The Royal Backwoods Department declared Tad Hmok National Park, 181,250 rais area, on October 30, 1998. The esplanade is aerial with abounding aerial mountains and its provides an important watershed for the Pa Sak and Chi Rivers including Nam Nao National Park. In the past, Tat Mok National Esplanade is a acknowledgment backwoods of the Thai Plywood Company. But this backwoods is still abundant breadth which is allotment of Nam Nao National Park. Nam Tok Song Nang Song Nang Waterfall; appear from Huay Bong has absolute 12 levels with 5-100m.high. The company can appearance of 12 levels a day. Nam Tok Tat Mok The arch from Tat Mok abundance is a decidedly alpine waterfall. Moreover, its one of admirable steeply bluff which has alone 1 akin a bender 200-300m.high.
Nam Nao National Park, Phetchabun
Nam Nao one of Thailand best admirable Esplanade covers an breadth aural Amphur Mueang Lom Sak and Lom Kow in Phetchabun provice and Amphur Kornsan aural Chaiyaphum province. The esplanade Headquarters is in an abnormal and alluring landscape: deciduous backwoods bedeviled by alpine ache trees. The breadth is aerial and its forests accommodate an important watershed for the surrounding districts. The Esplanade covers in absolute an breadth of about 966 aboveboard Kilometres. The abnormal and alluring Esplanade appointed a National Esplanade on the 4th May 1972. Nam Nao covers the bound amid northeastern and arctic Thailand. Its decidedly allotment of the Phetchabun aerial ambit active through Chaiyaphum and Phetchabun provinces. Phu Phajit abundance is the tallest in the Esplanade and cartography comprises beloved forests and streams. There are abounding rivers and streams aural this important watershed breadth Pa Sak River is one of these, it eventually joins the Chao Praya River, others are Pong and Loei rivers and Khon Kaen and Nam Churn streams. All these breeze into the Ubonrat Dam. Forest of Changing Colour This breadth of backwoods is amid km. 63 - 70 on Artery 12. Amid December to January every year the copse in this breadth change colour, due to this breadth actuality alloyed deciduous forest, which loses its leaves every year. Heaw Sai Avalanche Located at Km. 67 on Artery 12. From the alley airing the 1,000 m. aisle to the waterfall. The baptize actuality comes from Sa Nam Sai strem. This forms a accustomed bound amid Nam Nao destrict and Khom san district. Pha Lom Pha Kong The access alleged Phu Pha Klang Dong Esplanade sub base (Sum Maung) is at anniversary no. 40 on Ban Hui SanaamSai-Lom Khao Commune accompaniment highway. It will booty a added 5-7 km on foot. This limestone abundance aerial 1,134 meters aloft boilerplate sea level. At the top, you can appearance the admirable mural lower bottomward consisted of Beloved backwoods and Alloyed beloved backwoods which composed with affluence of admired fauna. Besides, adjoining breadth consisted with Pha Klang Loan Cliff, the 850 meters acme cliff, and Pha Ton Hom Cliff, the 900 meters acme is additionally actual attractive. Phu Khor Appearance Point It's amid at anniversary cardinal 42 on accompaniment artery cardinal 12 (Lom Sak-Chum Pae). This is one of the best admirable appearance point, abnormally in winter, which you can appearance the admirable backdrop of sunrise. Besides, you can get pleasure attributes abstraction by biking a 4 km attributes trails acquisition amid this appearance point to the day-tripper center. Phu Pha Jit The access is amid at 69 km forth accompaniment artery cardinal 12 (Don Lomsak - Chum Pae), followed by a added 10 km airing - about 6-7 hours walk. General cartography of its plateau acme abundance with Ache backwoods and continuing abandoned in the acreage plateau assume like Phu Gradung National Esplanade but alter by its abate size. Phu Pha Jit is the accomplished abundance of Nam Nao National Esplanade at a aiguille that is 1,271 meters aloft boilerplate sea level. Sai Thong Avalanche Sai Thong Waterfall, about 500 meters from Heaw Sai Waterfall, is about 30 meters advanced and 4 meters high, and has accurately atmosphere acceptable for amusement abnormally in backing season, which has baptize bead abounding of 30 meters advanced actual beautiful. Suan Son Dong Bag appearance Point This is amid at Km. 49 on Artery 12. From Km. 49 chase a clue for about 5 Km. to the viewpoint. This breadth has ache backwoods and acreage areas. There is a attributes balloon that you can airing aural this area. Suan Son Phu Goom Kow Appearance Point From Km.53 on Artery 12. There is a clue from this point that leads to the appearance point. A ambit of about 15 Km. This breadth of ache backwoods covers an breadth of about 10 km2. During the algid division this breadth changes colour from blooming to amber and the grass becomes green. Abounding admirable plants and flowers abound aural this area. Phu Goom Kow Acropolis is about 880 m. tall. If you were to angle on top of this acropolis you would be able to see Chulabhorn Reservoir. Tad Pran Ba Avalanche The access is abreast Nam Nao Sub Commune Office , at the anniversary cardinal 20 on Ban Hauy Sanaam Sai- Lom Sak Distrct accompaniment highway, again the laterite alley will advance you to the waterfall. Tad Pran Ba is a average admeasurement avalanche with its 20 meters acme and 2 floors. The baptize originated from Khern Stream flows all year round. It's so alleged Pran Ba because that is the name of the being who aboriginal apparent it, and Tad is a bounded chat agency waterfall. Tam Par Hong Appearance Point This is amid at Km. 39 on Artery 12. From the alley airing 300m. to the appearance point area you will be adored with a acceptable view. Airing a added 200m. to a atom which is decidedly acceptable for watching the sunset. Tam Yai Nam Nao Cavern At Km. 60 on Artery (Ban Huai Sa Nam Sai-Amphur Lom Kow-Ban Nong Chart) The cavern is abutting to the Esplanade Substation (named afterwards the cave). From the substation is a 3Km. clue to the cave. The cavern is Limestone extensive a acme of 955m. There is baptize abounding aural the cavern and you will see stalagmites and stalactites. Be accurate not to blow these as it will stop their growth.
Khao Kho National Park, Phetchabun
The forest, which will acknowledge to be Khao Kho National Park, acclimated to be Namtok Than Thipl Backwoods Park. It was accustomed on May 1, 1995 with about 14 in the bound of Pa Khao Plok Lon National Reserved Forest. From accede of Director of Accustomed Assets Conservation Appointment on February 15, 2000 (a academy that affair of the arch of Backwoods park) assigned the arch of backwoods esplanade to analysis about the breadth by Mr. Cholathron Chamnankit a backwoods technicial officer, National Esplanade Division is a primary abstracts surveyor. On August 16, 2001 National Esplanade Division ,the Royal Backwoods Department assigned Mr.Phachoenchok Senakan a forestry administering officer, to analysis a action and ascendancy the breadth in which Department of Public Welfare had bear aback including 3 places : Pa Khao Plok Lon, Pa Khao Pang Ko and Pa Wang Chomphu National Reserved Forests which is the aboriginal assets of 2 watersheds: Pa Sak and Yom-Nan in the bounded of. Lom Kao, Lom Sak, Mueang, and Khao Kho districts, Phetchabun province. For baptize to Khao Kho National park. Khao Kho National esplanade has aerial bio-diversity, breed and wildlife, admirable accustomed tourism places such as the waterfall, caves, isles, islet, cliffs, backdrop angle and actual angry cairn encountered amid the government and the antipathetic terrorists, which had taken forth time afore tranquilized. At present has a canonizing architecture for the heroes who anesthetized abroad in that war, abnormally the village's name, the bridge's name acclimated aboriginal name and aftermost name of the heroes. The admirable alcazar fabricated for His majesty the King and Her majesty the Queen in the break were be in abode at Khao Kho, Phetchabun. The north-south continued amplitude mountain(the west ancillary of Phetchabun Province) is the sources of abounding streams which is on the east ancillary accessory to Yom-Nan Watershed (the capital 2 in 25 watersheds in Thailand). General action of Khao Kho looks like the admirable atmosphere of Switzerland and the sea on the abundance with affable arctic all year long. Huai Yai Avalanche Namtok Huai Yai is in the abuttals of Thaphon sub-district and Mueang district, annoying traveling, able to admission alone in the winter and the summer. From Ban Om Chi, Tha Phon sub-district, accumulate activity forth the avenue on west about 8 kms and again accumulate walking about 4 kms. Or will chose accumulate airing from Namtok Than Thip about 10 kms to Namtok Huai Yai. This avalanche is a ample sized with 12-20 m high. Kaeng Liang Pha Namtok Kaeng Liangpha is the waterfall, which has a news accomplishments that in the accomplished time there were a lot of the abundance goats in this waterfall. It is on the arctic of Namtok Khan Bandai about 300 m, its admirable is a ample stoneyard and high-slope cliff. Khan Bandai Avalanche Namtok Khan Bandai is a avalanche which looks like the footfall about 20 steps, is 4 kms on the arctic of Namtok Than Thip, this avalanche is adumbral admirable for relaxing. Pha Lat Avalanche Namtok Phalat is in the bounded of Bung Khla sub-district, Lom Sak district. Able to biking to Namtok Than Thip backwoods esplanade appointment and again airing on the aisle about 5 kms. or able to biking to Ban Hua Na, Bung Khla sub-district ,and airing on the aisle about 2 kms. It depends on the person. Namtok Phalat is the avalanche from the bluff for the being who prefers adventure. From Namtok Phalat able to airing on the aisle which is affix to Namtok Thanthip, Namtok Khan Bandai Backdrop appearance point, Namtok Huai Chok that will canyon the assorted of backwoods blazon action and amazing appearance point. Samsipkot Avalanche Namtok Samsipkot , Ban Phatthana Woraphong, there is one akin waterfall, which has bright baptize for relaxing. Tat Fa Avalanche Namtok Tat Fa is on the arctic of the abuttals of Lomkao commune and Lom Sak district. The access of Namtok Tatfa is about 7 kms. From arena artery cardinal 2008, It is the best better and better avalanche in Khao Kho National Parks, adapted in the approach of chance and the being who adopt accustomed activities such as trekking, rafting forth the beck etc. Tham Yai Namko Cave The access is from arena artery cardinal 2008, which is on Khao Namko Yai bluff aloft 1,023 m from msl. It is the achieve of Buddha angel for the bounded bodies and in the around to adore. This abode additionally able to see a ample appearance of Lomsak district. Than Thip Avalanche Namtok Than Thip is on Bung Namtao sub-district, Lom Sak commune from 250-kilometer bean on artery cardinal 21 (Sara Buri-Lom Sak) Bung Namtao circle again go to arena artery cardinal 2302 (Bung Namtao-Thung Samo) about 4 kms and there is a crossroad to the avalanche about 2.4 kms. The avalanche has one level, 26 m aerial and 30 m wide. There is accustomed allure for acquirements forth the avenue and the beck all year long. In advanced of the avalanche has a ample basin and amazing admirable bank for arena water. Moreover there are the added tourism places in the around as following. Wang Nam Rin Avalanche Wang Nam Rin is a baby avalanche about 5 m aerial with bounce up baptize all the year, ample with a assorted breed of bracken which is far 150 m from Namtok Than Thip, aloft Wang Namrin can see the appearance of Namtok Than Thip. Wang Tum Avalanche Namtok Wang Tum is in the abuttals of Campson Khao kho district. From Campson commune goes to Ban Dong Continued and accumulate walking about 1 km. Namtok Wangtum is 40 kms. high, it is on Huai Sam Muang, There is a ample basin of advanced of the avalanche for relaxing
Phu Sang National Park, Phayao
Phu Sang National Park amid in Phu Sang District, Phayao arena and Thoeng District, Chiang Rai province. The 284.8 km2 Park is watershed of abounding streams in Phayao, comprises of acropolis evergreen, deciduous and dipterocarp forest. The are consists of abundance range, about 440-1,548 meters aloft sea level, abutting to the bound of Lao, is the antecedent of baptize of Lao River, Ngao River, Puea River, Bong River and Yuan River, which go to advance the acreage of Chiang Kham District. Bo Nam Sup Aun Bo Nam Sup Aun is a pond which hot baptize percolated from the ground. The temperature of baptize is 35 o Cmeanwhile the temperature of acclimate is 10C. Doi Pha Dam Doi Pha Dum is a limestone abundance which its big bluff is actual beautiful. Nam Dan Cavern Nam Dan is a huge cavern busy with amazing stalactites. Interestingly, there is a baby avalanche inside. This cavern acclimated to be a apartment of communism terrorists. Pha Daeng Cavern is a huge cavern with the adorable stalactites. Phu Sang Avalanche Water pours bottomward this distinct akin avalanche to lower pool. The arresting affection of this 25m aerial avalanche is 33-35 o C baptize from balmy spring, aloft the waterfall. There is baptize from the balmy bounce all year and no Sulphur in the water. The surrounding backwoods is abundant beloved forest.
Mae Puem National Park, Phayao
Mae-puem Civic Esplanade is anchored in the areas of Chiang Rai Province and Phayao Province, accoutrement an about breadth of 356 aboveboard kilometers or 222,500 rai. The Civic Esplanade can be disconnected into 2 sections, including: Section 1 of the Civic Esplanade is anchored in the breadth of Doi-pui Civic Conserved Forest, Muang District, Chiang Rai Province, aural the breadth of 67,500 rai; Section 2 of the Civic Esplanade is anchored in the areas of Mae-puem Civic Conserved Forest and Mae-pung Forest, accoutrement Parn District and Pa-daeng District of Chiang Rai Province; and Mae-jai District and Muang District of Phayao Province; Mae-puem Civic Conserved Forest and Dong Pra-doo Forest in Mae-jai District and Muang District of Phayao Province; and Mae-Ing Civic Conserved Forest in Phu Kamyao Sub-district of Phayao Province, aural an breadth of 248 aboveboard kilometers or 155,000 rai. Approximately 220 aboveboard kilometers or 137,431 rai of the areas of the Civic Esplanade are anchored in Chiang Rai Province; and about 136 aboveboard kilometers or 85,069 rai of the areas of the Civic Esplanade are anchored in Phayao Province. At present, Mae-puem Civic Esplanade is actuality accustomed as a civic park. Section 1 The bounded appearance of the Civic Esplanade abide of aerial mountains and few areas on the top of mountains, which are the sources of Mae-kaew River consisting of admirable reefs and the abounding baptize throughout the year. The Civic Esplanade slopes appear the east and the west of the area. And the accomplished mountaintop is anchored in the arctic of the Civic Park. Section 2 The bounded appearance of the Civic Esplanade abide of aerial mountains, extending southwards. The Civic Esplanade slopes appear the east and the west of the area, and accepting flatlands on the abundance ridges. The breadth of Section 2 is about 4 kilometers advanced and actuality the antecedent of Mae-puem Gully with the abounding baptize throughout the year. And the accomplished mountaintop is anchored in the arctic of the Civic Park. Doi Ngam Doi Ngam or Doi Hua-ngom is a acropolis with flatlands on the mountaintop (similar to Phu Kra-dueng). When continuing on the mountaintop, you can watch a admirable aurora and sunset, as able-bodied as the backdrop of mountains. In a adjacent area, you can see a lot of agrarian orchids growing on copse and reefs. And abutting to the breadth of agrarian orchids, you can see the arena of absurd stones covered with mosses in a advanced area, breadth two-leaf pines accept thickly grown. The Sightseeing Spot has its absolute ecological arrangement and actuality acceptable for accustomed belief and camping. Mae-puem Reservoir Mae-puem is anchored in an about breadth of 5,000 rai amid Muang District and Mae-jai District of Phayao Province (approximately 22 km abroad from the burghal of Phayao to Chiang Rai Province). Interesting activities for tourists accommodate recreations, sightseeing, accustomed studying, swimming, and canoeing.
Doi Phu Nang National Park, Phayao
Doi Phu Nang National Park is anchored in an almost breadth of 512 aboveboard kilometers or 320,000 rai, accoutrement the areas of Dok Kamtai District, Pong District, and Chiang-muan District of Phayao Province. There are altered kinds of forests aural the breadth of the National Park, including close forests, alloyed forests, and balk forests. The National Park additionally has admirable accustomed sightseeing spots including Na-pang Waterfall, Thansawan Waterfall, which are abounding sources of rivers and gullies. The bounded appearance of the National Park abide of aerial mountains, extending northwards. Meanwhile, Mae-yom Forest and Nampi Forest abide of aerial mountains extending like a horseshoe, as able-bodied as a below acreage of Chiang-muan District anchored in the average of the two forests. Doi Phu Nang is the accomplished mountaintop of the two forests at the ambit of 1,202 meters (or 300 meters aloft the sea level) and actuality the antecedent of above gullies abounding into Mae-yom River. Na-bua Avalanche Na-bua Avalanche is a 3-step limestone avalanche with the abounding baptize throughout the year, anchored on the right-hand ancillary of Mae-yom Forest abutting to Ban-bua, Moo 4, Tambol Sra, Chiang-muan District, Phayao Province. The Avalanche originated from Mae-jung Gully. Footfall 1 of the Avalanche is about 10 meters aerial and 6 meters wide; meanwhile, Footfall 2 is about 6 meters aerial and 15 meters wide, amid in the northeast of Footfall 1 (approximately 5 km away); and Footfall 3 is about 20 meters wide, amid in the arctic of Footfall 2 (approximately 500 meters away). Natural Trail The avenue for accustomed study, arch you to the admirable backdrop of Doi Phu Nang National Park, is about 2.105 km continued and demography you about 3 hours by walking to the National Park. Phang-ta Phang-ta is anchored aural the collective amid Nampi Forest and Mae-yom/ Nam-kuan Forest abutting to Baan Chaiyasathan Moo 4, Tambon Chiang-muan, Phayao Province. Phang-ta looks like Pae-muang-pi of Prae Province, basic from clay abrasion at the armpit of a low mountain, abrogation some 25-meter-high acicular soil-pillars abutting for an almost ambit of 200 meters. The bounded action of Phang-ta consists of mountains and a laterite alley abutting to Baan Chaiyasathan. Meanwhile, the surrounding areas of Phang-ta (approximately 3 rai) abutting to agronomical acreage of Baan Chaiyasathan villagers on the mountaintop of Phang-ta, can be developed as sightseeing spots and recreational sites due to their apathy and admirable scenery. Thansawan Avalanche Thansawan Avalanche or Bor-bia Avalanche is a 4-step bouldered avalanche anchored in the breadth of Mae-yom Forest abutting to Ban Bor-bia, Moo 6, Tambol Ban Yang, Chiang-muan District, Phayao Province. Footfall 1 of the Avalanche is about 8 meters aerial and actuality admired as the best admirable and the accomplished footfall of the Waterfall, falling from a 150-meter-wide limestone plate; meanwhile, Footfall 2 is about 2.50 meters high, and Footfall 3 and Footfall 4 of the Avalanche are about 2 meters high. The Avalanche originated from the multi-branches Mae-ping Gully. The surrounding areas of the Avalanche abide of alloyed forests and close beloved forests, as able-bodied as the agronomical acreage of Bor-bia villagers.
Tham Sakoen National Park, Nan
Tham Sa-kern National Park is anchored in an almost breadth of 155,200 rai, accoutrement the areas of Pa Nam-yao and Pa Nam-suad National Conserved Forest in Song-kwae District of Nan Province, and actuality the antecedent of streams and basins in the Class of 1(a). The National Park has abounding admirable sightseeing spots. The bounded appearance of the National Park abide of aerial mountains, extending northwards in the appearance of T. The distance of the National Park is about 300-1,752 meters aloft the average sea level. Doi-Ji is the accomplished mountaintop (1,752 meters aloft the average sea level). The National Park is the antecedent of 3 basins including Upper Yom River Basin, Upper Yao River Basin, and Lao Basin, which are the sources of capital rivers of the country, i.e., Yom River and Nan River, actuality acclimated for agronomical activities of villagers on both abandon of the rivers. Huai-had Avalanche or Baan-yod Avalanche The Avalanche is a medium-sized 3-step avalanche with the abounding baptize throughout the year, anchored at Tambon Yod of Song-kwae District, Nan Province. Roadside Backdrop You can see the admirable backdrop forth the avenue amid Song-kwae District of Nan Province and Chiang-kam District of Phayao Province. Tham Luang Sa-kern Tham Luang Sa-kern, anchored in Tambon Yod of Song-kwae District, Nan Province, is a 600-meter-deep, medium-sized cavern with admirable stalagmites and stalactites and actuality inhabited by a ample cardinal of bats.
Si Nan National Park, Nan
Srinan Civic Esplanade is anchored in an almost breadth of 934 aboveboard kilometers or 583,750 rai, accoutrement the areas of Na-muen District, Na-noi District, and Vieng-sa District of Nan Province. The bounded appearance of the Civic Esplanade abide of aerial mountains, extending northwards, abstinent forests, and aloft rain forests of Nan River, which are admired as aloft baptize assets of bodies aural Nan Province. The Civic Esplanade is the abode abode for a ample cardinal of agrarian animals and accepting aloft plants, day-tripper attractions and admirable accustomed sightseeing spots on both abandon of Nan River such as Sao-din and Cok-sua, Pak-nai, Kaeng-luang, Pha-choo, etc. The bounded appearance of the Civic Esplanade abide of aerial mountains, extending northwards. Aloft mountains accommodate Doi Prae-muang, Doi Khun Huai Heuk, Khun Huai Ya-sai, and Doi Luang. Doi Khun Huai Heuk, anchored in the arctic allotment of the Civic Park, is the accomplished mountaintop (1,234 meters aloft the average sea level) and actuality the antecedent of aloft gullies, abounding southward into Nan River. The Civic Esplanade has accustomed baptize sources and aloft gullies including Khaning River, Sa River, as able-bodied as added baby gullies. Doi Pha Choo View Point Doi Phachoo is a large, aerial bluff breadth you can discount the forests and Nan River extending tortuously forth the lower plains. Enjoying the beautifu Nan River It is a avenue advised for actuality a traveling avenue in the civic esplanade about 60 kilometers. Visitors can get pleasure sceneries of mountains, sea of fog, beloved forest, and abounding kinds of agrarian animals. Kaeng Luang Nam Nan Kaeng Luang originated from bean lines, rocks, and cliffs forth Nan River. In the backing season, you can apprehend the barrage of streams hitting the rocks. In the dry season, you can see admirable bean curve and rocks drop the area. Pak Nai Pak-nai is one of the best admirable sightseeing spots of the Civic Park, basic from the better abounding breadth aloft the Sirikit Dam in Nan Province, amidst by freshwater fishermen villages. Sao Din Na Noi and Cok Sua Sao-din originated from clay abrasion accoutrement an almost breadth of 20 rai and broadcast with balk forests. Sao-din looks like the Grand Canyon or Pae-muang-pi of Prae Province.
Nunthaburi National Park,Nan
Nunthaburi National Park covers the areas of Tha Wangpha District, Muang District, and Baan Luang District of Nan Province aural an almost breadth of 548,125 rai. The National Park consists of abstinent forests and abounding accustomed resources, biological diversity. The National Park is the antecedent of rivers and accepting arresting accustomed day-tripper attractions. The bounded appearance of the National Park abide of aerial mountains, extending northwards. The National Park is anchored in the western allotment of Nan Province until extensive the Lao People's Democratic Republic. The armpit of the National Park is about 300-1,674 meters aloft the boilerplate sea level. The boilerplate abruptness of the armpit is about 50%. Yod Doi Wao is the accomplished mountaintop of the National Park (at the acme of 1,674 meters aloft the boilerplate sea level). Baan Namki Artesian Bounce Baan Namki Artesian Bounce is amid at Baan Namki, Tambon Phathong, Tha Wangpha District, Nan Province. The Artesian Bounce has an almost temperature of 80?C and can potentially be developed as a day-tripper allure for mineral bathing. Doi Mork Avalanche Doi Mork Avalanche is a beautiful, small-medium sized avalanche amid in Tambon Ruang, Muang District, Nan Province, with abounding baptize throughout the year. The Avalanche is ideal for bathing and recreational activities. Habitations for Pi Tong Leung Association The abounding areas of the forests in Baan Luang District and Tha Wangpha District are habitations for "Pi Tong Leung" tribe, a abnormality animal association active in the forests. Huai Prig Avalanche Huai Prig Avalanche is a 4-step, small-medium sized avalanche with abounding baptize throughout the year. The Avalanche has abrupt streams, reefs, and admirable bluff sheds. The Avalanche is amid in Tambon Baan Pi, Baan Luang District, Nan Province. Santisuk Avalanche Santisuk Avalanche is a 5-step, small-medium sized avalanche with abounding baptize throughout the year. The Avalanche is amid in Tambon Saen Thong, Tha Wangpha District, Nan Province. Song Kwae Avalanche Song Kwae Avalanche is a small-sized avalanche anchored in a abstinent forest, which should be developed as a avenue for accustomed study. The Avalanche is amid in Tambon Sanien, Amphur Muang, Nan Province. Tad Fa Rong Avalanche Tad Fa Rong Avalanche is anchored in the breadth of the Pa Namyao-Namsuad National Conserved Backwoods in Tambon Saen Thong, Tha Wangpha District, Nan Province, which has been surveyed for the enactment of Nanthaburi National Park. The Avalanche is a 3-step large-sized avalanche with abounding baptize throughout the year and actuality the antecedent of rivers. Doi Wao abundance ambit is anchored in Baan Namki, Tha Wangpha District, Nan Province, about 4 km abroad from the armpit of artesian spring.
Mae Charim National Park, Nan
Since the areas of Nam-wa Forest and Mae Charim Forest, the southeastern allotment of Nam-Nan Forest, and Huai Sali Forest anchored in Tambon Nam-pang, Tambon Nam-pai of Mae Charim District, and Tambon Lai-nan, Tambon Sanna Nhong-mai, Tambon Nam-muab of Viangsa District, Nan Province, abide of admired accustomed assets including plants, agrarian fruits and agrarian animals, as able-bodied as admirable backdrop of forests, mountains, streams, and cliffs, it is accounted expedient to authorize Mae Charim Forest as a civic esplanade beneath the Civic Esplanade Act 1961 for the purpose of attention aural an almost breadth of 432 aboveboard kilometers or 270,000 rai. The bounded appearance of the Civic Esplanade abide of aerial mountains, extending from the arctic to the southwest, and Luang Phra-bang Mountains extending from the arctic to the south (and actuality acclimated as the abuttals amid Thailand and Laos). The acme of mountains lowers to the west. Doi Khun-lan, anchored in the east of the Civic Park, is the accomplished mountaintop (1,652 meters aloft the average sea level) breadth Wa River flows from Luang Phra-bang Mountains casual the west of the breadth for about 7.5 kilometers. Rafting on the Wa River Rafting is above recreational action of the Civic Park. The avenue for rafting starts at Ban Nam-pu, Tambol Nam-phong of Mae Charim and finishes at Ban Had-rai, Tambol Sanna Nhong-maiof Viangsa District, Nan Province, absolutely 19.2 kilometers. In addition, there are islets and reefs forth the rafting avenue for your adventuresome experiences. Many spots are provided for attached up the endless on the bank while you are swimming. And the backdrop on both abandon of the River is actual beautiful, decidedly in winter. You may get pleasure rafting activities in all seasons except in the backing division due to floodwaters.
Khun Sathan National Park, Nan
Nan Civic Esplanade Center beatific a certificate on April 7, 2541 to acquaint that Nan Civic Esplanade Center which is, composed 6 Civic parks, abundant with accustomed backwoods assets and outstanding wildlife resources, aerial abundant abeyant developed to be tourism abode and amusement for bodies and with 480-640 of breadth so appointed ambience to be a civic esplanade On July 22, 1998 the Royal Backwoods Department had an adjustment to beatific administrator operating surveyed this breadth and from analysis address begin Huai Mae Khaning Civic Reserved Backwoods was attacked, austere for agronomics and best of breadth was application attached. At present Civic park, Wildlife and Plant Conservation Department has action the board of Civic esplanade at the additional affair on December 15, 2003 for ambience this breadth with 419.20 to be a Civic park. Sloped circuitous aerial laying arctic to south. The abundance backbone of Doi Prae Mueang separates abuttals amid Phrae and Nan provinces. There are abounding of rivers and streams such as Nam Sa, Nam Tha, Nam Haeng Nam Mae Sakhon etc. Main Abundance are Doi Ku Sathan with 1,630 m high, Doi Mae Chok with 1,424 m and the accomplished is Doi Phukha with 1,728 m aerial aloft msl. Doi Ku Sathan It is the abundance with about 1,630 m aloft msl. There is an amazing backdrop viewpoint. Arctic temperature canal the year. Doi Mae Chok Doi Mae Chok backdrop appearance point and anniversary place. It is the acme of the abundance with 1,424 m aerial aloft msl, arctic all year long. Circuitous aerial is charming, able to see the admirable of ascent sun in the morning with blurred in the ample valley. Khun Li Avalanche Large sized avalanche with about 100 m high. It is on Doi Ku Sathan, annoying to get there, accept to airing canyon bang afore get to the waterfall. La-ong Cavern The ample sized cavern with the breadth about 1.8 kms. Inside the cavern beck and amazing admirable stalagmite and stalactite. Scenery Appearance Along the Road Along artery cardinal 1216, amid Ban Khun Sathan to Bansan, Santha sub-district, Na Noi district. Sirikit Dam Sirikit dam with admirable of attributes and backdrop appearance of the dam, anchor with laying beeline acropolis range. Sometimes begin the assemblage of angle amid bright water. Able to use a bulk to get there. Tat Mok or Bansan Avalanche Large sized avalanche with 3 levels; absolute aerial is 50 m. it is on Doi Mae Chok that is about 3 kms far abroad from the village.
Khun Nan National Park, Nan
Khun Nan National Park covers the areas of Bor Gleur District of Nan Province aural an almost breadth of 248.6 aboveboard kilometers or about 155,375 rai. The National Park is anchored in the breadth of Pa Doi Phooka and Pa Phadaeng National Conserved Forest in Tambol Phobphra, Tambol Bor Gleur Tai, and Tambol Dongphaya of Bor Gleur District, Nan Province. The bounded appearance of the National Park abide of aerial mountains in 1A Level upstream areas and accepting the watershed on the accomplished mountaintop anchored in Tambon Dongphaya. Major mountains in the breadth accommodate Phu Fa Mountains, Khun Namwahnoi Mountains, Namwahklang Mountains, and Pi Pun Mountains. Namwah River, originated from the watershed mountains, is a ample and cogent river abounding beyond the areas southwards. Baan Den Avalanche Baan Den Avalanche is a 3-major-step, average sized avalanche with abounding baptize throughout the year (smaller than Sapun Waterfall). The heights of Step 1, Step 2, and Step 3 of the Avalanche are about 7 meters, 3 meters, and 5 meters, respectively. The Avalanche has moderately admirable backdrop of adumbral and air-conditioned forests. The Avalanche is anchored about 1 km from Baan Sapun and charge be accomplished by walking. Huai Ha Avalanche Huai Ha Avalanche is a 3-major-step, average sized waterfall, with beautiful, broadcast flows of baptize throughout the year (about the aforementioned admeasurement as Sapun Waterfall). The heights of Step 1, Step 2, and Step 3 of the Avalanche are about 8 meters, 12 meters, and 50 meters, respectively. The Avalanche has acutely admirable backdrop of adumbral and air-conditioned forests. In particular, on Step 3 (Tad Phadaeng Step) of the Waterfall, which is about 50 meters high, there are 5 baby ladder accomplish of about 3-12 meters aerial each. Huai Tee Avalanche Huai Tee Avalanche is a 6-step, medium-sized avalanche with abounding baptize throughout the year. The heights of Step 1, Step 2, Step 3, Step 4, Step 5, and Step 6 of the Avalanche are about 30 meters, 20 meters, 25 meters, 15 meters, 10 meters, and 10 meters, respectively. The Avalanche has admirable backdrop of adumbral and air-conditioned forests. Sapun Avalanche Santisuk Avalanche is a 3-major-step, average sized avalanche with abounding baptize throughout the year. The heights of Step 1, Step 2, and Step 3 of the Avalanche are about 3 meters, 5 meters, and 6 meters, respectively. The Avalanche has admirable backdrop of adumbral and air-conditioned forests.
Doi Phu Kha National Park, Nan
Designated on the 17th June 1999, Doi Phuka Civic esplanade is anchored in the mountains of Northern Thailand. The esplanade is called afterwards the accomplished aiguille in the esplanade boundaries, Doi Phuka, which sits at 1,980 meters (6,600 feet) aloft sea level. Actuality Northern Thailand's better civic park, at 1,704 km2 size. The affluence ambit aural the park, Luang Prabang, ruggedly. Due to actuality created beneath the ocean, there is an affluence of limestone. Consequently, aural the esplanade are limestone caves, karsts, waterfalls, and fossil.
Tham Pla Namtok Pha Suea National Park, Mae Hong Son
Tham Pla - Pha Sua National Park is anchored in an almost breadth of 488 aboveboard kilometers or 305,000 rai, accoutrement the areas of Tham Pla - Pha Sua Avalanche in the appropriate duke ancillary of Mae-pai National Conserved Forest, Muang District, and Pang Ma-pha Sub-district. The cartography of the National Park abide of aerial mountains extending northwards, which are the sources of streams and rivers. The accustomed sightseeing spots at the National Park abide of Tham Pla - Pha Sua Waterfall, which are admirable and actual accepted for recreational activities. The cartography of the National Park abide of abrupt mountains. And Doi Lan is the accomplished mountaintop of the National Park (1,918 meters aloft the sea level). The arctic and the west of the National Park alcove Charn State of the Union of Myanmar; whereas, the south of the National Park alcove Huay Mhak-uen and Huay Peung of Muang District, Mae Hong Son Province; and the east of the National Park alcove the River of Pang Ma-pha Sub-district, Mae Hong Son Province. Huay Pong-on Avalanche The Avalanche is anchored amid the admission alley to Huay Pong-on village. The Avalanche is about 7 meters aerial and 5 meters advanced and accepting the abounding baptize throughout the year. The Avalanche additionally has admirable backdrop and a baby basin of 40 aboveboard meters for swimming. Mae Sa-nga Klang Avalanche Mae Sa-nga Klang Avalanche is a admirable avalanche anchored aloft Mae Sa-nga Dam, with the abounding baptize throughout the year. The Avalanche is about 15 meters aerial and 10 meters wide, and can be calmly accessed by walking or by boat. Mae Sa-nga Waterpower Dame Mae Sa-nga Waterpower Dame is 37 meters aerial and 160 meters long, with its baptize assimilation accommodation of 780,000 cubic meters. The backdrop aloft the Dam is admirable and acceptable for amusement activities. Pha Sua Avalanche Pha Sua Avalanche is about 10 meters aerial and 15 meters wide. In the backing season, the bluff is overflowed with rains and looks like a mat, therefore, the Avalanche is alleged "Pha Sua". In the dry season, you can watch admirable rocks. The Avalanche is acceptable for amusement actitivies. Phra-bath Koo Cavern or Jak-tok Cavern The Cavern is anchored on Doi Tham Pla and accepting admirable stalagmites and stalactites and its access of about 5x8 meters wide. The Cavern can alone be accessed by walking, which will booty you for about 1 hour. Pla Cavern Tham Pla is a hillside cavern with the abounding baptize throughout the year. You can watch a ample academy of blue-black angle alleged "Soro Brook Carp" or "Labeobarbus Soro". Tham Pla additionally has admirable backdrop of forests, cliffs, and limestone mountains.
Salawin National Park, Mae Hong Son
Salaween National Park is in Sob Mei and Mae Sa-riang, Mae Hong Son Province. Most of this breadth is in the aerial mountain, and lowland. The backwoods is actual able-bodied reserved. It is in 750 aboveboard meters or 468,750 rai. Floating bottomward Salaween River In the dry season, the baptize akin will abatement until can see the beach and rocks. Most of the tourists like to captain longtail boats to go sightseeing the view. The aboriginal point is end at sob Moei area Moei River connects to Salaween River. Anopther way can go to Ban Tha Dta Fung . It is far from Mae Sarieng for 47 kilometers afterward cool artery No 1194. Salaween River It is actual admirable appearance abnormally in the winter will accept fog accoutrement forth the river and the leaves are alteration colors. Besides the river is clearer in the summertime so can see white sand. The tourists like to set up the tents on the white beach or sailing the baiter to see both abandon of the river.
Namtok Mae Surin National Park, Mae Hong Son
Located east of the bigoted basic of Mae Hong Son this National Esplanade occupies 397.00 aboveboard kilometers of asperous terrain. In a footfall to bottle adumbrative accustomed appearance of this aerial province, the esplanade was accustomed in 1981 as the 37th National Esplanade of Thailand. The esplanade contains some of the added ascendant peaks of the Thanon Tongchai abundance ambit with elevations capricious amid 300m. and 1700m. aloft sea level. These highlands accord bearing to abundant streams and baby rivers which are important tributaries of the Pai river, the capital river of this region. Doi Pui Doi Pui, at 1,700 m. is the accomplished aiguille in the esplanade and affords advantageous angle of the surrounding countryside. Its aerial distance contains different altitude ache and the aiguille is covered in meadows of wildflowers which blossom during the hot season. As of now, Doi Pui is not calmly accessible, but those absorbed in a accurate backpack can acquaintance guides in Mae Hong Son for information. Mae Surin Watterfall Comprised of a distinct jet of baptize leaping off a bluff face coast alluringly to the rocks 100m. beneath ,Mae Surin avalanche is one of the tallest and best admirable distinct bank waterfalls in Thailand. The avalanche can be beheld from on aerial beyond the valley, or the added able-bodied cab alight bottomward beneath for a afterpiece look. Travelling to the avalanche visitors will canyon Karen and Hmong acropolis association villages as able-bodied as the acclaimed Toong Buat Tong, or fields of agrarian sunflowers, which blossom for two weeks alone in the ages of November. Nam Hu Hai Jai Cavern Strangely it is a accustomed phenomenon, which every 25 minutes, there will be baptize gushingly jetting out of a cavern walls. The antecedent is that the abnormality happens because the achievability of the blame force from baptize central the cracked-stone cavern walls. Nam Hu Hai Jai is amid at Pa Pong subdistrict, Muang district, Mae Hong Son. It takes about 3 to 4 hours by walking from Ban Houy Nam Mae Sa Gid to get there. Nong Kiew Its cartography is plains on backbone hills and ache forests. The plains are as ample as 200 rai. To get there, you accept to airing on the aisle from Mae Surin Avalanche for about 2 hours. Pa Bong Avalanche (Dum Kon Waterfall) It is 12 kilometers far from Mae Hong Son burghal 12. The 3-tier cascade, baptize originated from Dum Kon Brook, plummets baptize from 40 meters above. Interestingly, there is a afar baby avalanche beside. The baptize runs throughout the year. Pai River Around the river, there are beaches consistently alms the alleviation and alleviation to visitors. The abode is additionally acceptable for rafting and camping.
Mae Ngao National Park, Mae Hong Son
Mae-ngao National Park is anchored in Mae Hong Son Province, accoutrement an almost breadth of 257,650 rai. The National Park is a admirable accustomed sightseeing atom and actuality the antecedent of abounding rivers abounding into Salaween River. The cartography of the National Park abide of aerial mountains, which are the sources of abounding rivers abounding westwards into Salawin River of Myanmar.The canal arrangement of the National Park is agnate to arrangement of the timberline diagram, consisting of a ample river and its branches. Aloft rivers and gullies, include: Mae-ngao River Mae-ngao River is the longest and best important river, casual the areas of the National Park for about 42 kilometers long, starting from Ban Sob-khong, abounding northwards to Sob-ngao and affair Mae-yuam River. Mae-ngao River is the bigoted boundary, whereas, the western allotment of the River is Tha Song-yang District of Tak Province, and the eastern allotment thereof is Sob-mei District of Mae Hong Son Province. The River is about 10-12 meters advanced and the baptize is so bright that it is alleged Mae-ngao River. In the backing season, the River, which is acclimated as a baptize carriage avenue to Sob-mei District by tribesmen, has the actual accelerated water. Abounding gullies aural the National Park, which breeze into Mae-ngao River, accommodate Huai Mae Loh-noi, Huai Mae-bang, Huai Mae Lela-kro, Huai Oloh-gro, Huai Kong-oum, etc. Mae-yuam River Mae-yuam River flows from Khun-yuam District, casual Mae La-noi District and affair Mae-ngao River at Ban Sob-ngao, Sub-District Mae-sod of Sob-mei District and affair Mei District at Ban Sob-yuam, Sub-District Mae Sam-laeb and abounding into Salaween River. The River is about 215 kilometers long, and actuality advised as one of the aloft rivers of Mae Hong Son Province.The River flows southwards, casual the western breadth of the National Park for about 14 kilometers long. Rid River The River is anchored in the arctic of the National Park, abounding westwards to Sub-District Kong-koi, Sub-District Mae-suad, and affair Mae-yuam River in the south of Ban Mae-suad. Huai Mae-khong The Gully flows from Om-koi District and meets Mae-ngao River at Ban Sob-khong. Burana-prapa Avalanche The Avalanche is anchored abreast the avenue of Mae-sod Mae Sa-riang at Ban Mae-wei Boki. And you may biking on bottom for about 500 meters. Doi Pui The Sightseeing Atom is amid at the distance of 1,000 meters aloft the average sea level. And you can see a abroad appearance of the areas in Om-koi District. Particularly in winter, you can see the admirable sea of fogs; and the acclimate is algid and breezy. Doi Pui Luang At present, there is no agent avenue to the abundance backbone of Doi Pui-luang, except a boscage route, which takes you 2 canicule for annular cruise on foot. The Sightseeing Atom is amid at the distance of 1,600-1,700 meters aloft the average sea level. The abundance ridges extend to the breadth of Om-koi District. In winter, you can appearance the admirable sea of fogs; and the acclimate is algid and breezy. The Sightseeing Atom is acceptable for tourists who get pleasure boscage travelling and camping. Mae La-or Avalanche The Waterfall, basic from Mae La-or Gully, is anchored abreast the avenue of Mae-sod - Mae Sa-riang and abounding into Mae-ngao River. And you may biking on bottom for about 400 meters. Mae Wa-luang Avalanche The Avalanche is a admirable multi-step waterfall, anchored at Ban Mae Wa-luang of Tah Song-yang District, Tak Province. The Avalanche originated from Mae-wa Gully. You may alpha the travelling by walking from the National Park's appointment and on the way to the Waterfall, you can appearance altered kinds of agrarian plants and aberrant birds. Mae-jae Avalanche The Avalanche is anchored at Baan Mae La-kee. And you may biking on bottom from the ancillary of Mae-sod - Mae Sa-riang Road for about 1 kilometer to the armpit of the Waterfall. The Avalanche originated from Mae La-kee Gully, abounding into Mae-ngao River. Natural Teak Forest There are a lot of rare, accustomed teak forests and aberrant lower plants begin in the areas of the National Park, which is acceptable for boscage tours and accustomed study. Ngao River Sai Nam-ngao is a aloft river aural the breadth of the National Park, in which baptize is so bright that it is alleged Mae-ngao River. The River is anfractuous forth islets and reefs. In the backing season, the River has the actual accelerated water. In the dry season, the River is acceptable for rafting and sightseeing aback there are a lot of copse and beginning plants such as Lagerstroemia speciosa (Inthanin) on both abandon of the River. Oloh-gro Avalanche The Avalanche is a ample and admirable avalanche with the abounding baptize throughout the year, anchored in the arctic of Ban Om-loh (near Mae-ngao River). The Avalanche is about 150 meters high, basic from Oloh-gro Gully. There are abstinent forests in the breadth of the Avalanche but no agent avenue is congenital to admission the Waterfall, except a boscage route, which takes you 2 nights and 3 canicule for annular cruise on bottom (on the way to the Waterfall, you charge to break brief at the Karen's village, then, biking on bottom for about 3 hours to the Waterfall; and on the way aback home, you charge to break brief at the Karen's apple for addition night). Tham Mae Om-ki The Cavern is anchored abreast Ban Mae Ob-ki. There are admirable stalagmites and stalactites central the Cave. And there are some streams of baptize abounding out of the Cave's entrance. Tham Pla The cartography of Pla caves are agnate to those of Tham (cave ) Pla-Pha Sua National Park. Pla caves is anchored in the arctic of Ban Om-loh (near Mae-ngao River). At present, it is the area of Ban Sob Mae-pae. There are a acceptable accord of angle inhabiting in the cavern aback villagers accept that they are angelic angle and whoever eat the angle will face the disaster.
Mae Ping National Park, Lamphun
Mae Ping National Esplanade covers Doi Tao District, Chiang Mai province; Li District, Lam Phun Province; and Sam Ngao District, Tak Province. It is abundant forest, which abundance of plants and animals. At 1,003.75 km2, the asperous abundance ambit and rivers fabricated absurd scenic, abnormally the aerial allotment of Bhumipol Dam that clothing for recreation. General cartography is steeply abundance ambit with boilerplate aerial of 900 meters aloft sea level. There are abounding beck headwaters forth the acropolis for archetype Huai Mae Had, Huai Mae Ko, Huai Pong Ka, Huai Muang, Huai Khun Maen and Huai Krai. All are branches of Mae Ping River. The basin breadth covers Doi Tao District, Chiang Mai. Water breeze southward to Bhumipol Dam in Amphur Sam Ngao, Tak for 150 kilometers. The widest point, with 6 kilometers is alleged "Bo Lom" and "Hauy Phra Bat". Huai Tham Huai Tham: amid in Doi Tao District, Chiang Mai. It is a angle on Ping beach from which you can adore the admirable breathtaking of Huai Tao reservoir. Kaeng Koh Kaeng Koh: is a admirable lake, clothing for amusement so the esplanade provided amphibian bulk houses there. Kaeng Koh Bulk abode is the average of Bhumipol Dam, from this point, you can booty a abyssal cruise to adore admirable scenic. There are additionally abounding day-tripper places such as Um Pae Waterfall, Um Pad Waterfall, Pha (Cliff) Tao, Pha Phra Non, Kaeng Soi, Phra Bat Bo Lom and Bhumipol Dam. Koh Luang Avalanche Koh Luang Waterfall: amid 20 kilometers from the Headquarters and you can ability by car. The limestone avalanche is able-bodied accepted amid Lam Phun bodies and arena nearby. There are 7 levels with altered heights. Pha Dam-Pha Daeng Pha Dam-Pha Daeng: the steeply bluff amidst by abundant forest. At actuality you can see panoramically view. You can ability by walking. Thung Kik Thung Kik: is the advanced blooming acreage in the east of the park. The plateau is covered by grass and is barking deer, sambar deer, aerial and gallus habitats. Yang Wee Cavern Yang Wee Cave: aria in Li District, Lam Phun. It is limestone cave, absolute alluring stalactite and stalagmite. The cavern is a bat habitat; amid acropolis ache forest-was alleged "Pa Phra Bat Yang Wee". The backwoods is abundant and actual beautiful, clothing for recreation. Visitor can ability by biking and get pleasure camping there.
Doi Khun Tan National Park, Lamphun
Located in the abundance of the arctic Thailand, Doi Khun Tan National Park is home to abounding absorbing breed both flora and fauna, as able-bodied as abounding actual spots of interest. Its best acclaimed affection is Thailand's longest railroad tunnel, which is 1,352 m. long. Doi Khun Tan National Park straddles the mountains amid Lamphun and Lampang Provinces, accoutrement 255.29 and ranges in elevations from 325m to 1,373m at the summit. Established in 1975, it was the 10th National Park in Thailand. Doi translates to abundance in Arctic Thai, while Khun Tan refers to the abundant streams and watershed abounding bottomward from the mountain. High Mountains "Yaw 2" Yaw 2 (Camp 2) is amid 800 metres abroad from Yaw 1, at Yaw 2 (Camp 2), close ache copse action a artlessly peaceful atmosphere. Before extensive the summit, there is a guesthouse busy with assorted winter plants and including a lychee garden. The abode additionally has the aristocratic allowance of approval; His Majesty the King has spent two vacations here. High Mountains "Yaw 3" Yaw 3 (Camp 3) is amid 3,500 metres abroad from Yaw 2 and is the accomplished acme in the abundance ambit (Mon Song Klong) alms arresting angle over Lampang. Before extensive the summit, there are seven missionary houses accessible for renting. More advice can be begin by contacting Payup University, Chiang Mai. High Mountains "Yaw 4" Doi Khuntan additionally saw action during World War ll. The Thai millitary acclimated the accomplished aiguille of Doi Khuntan, or Yaw 4 as a attending out point for aggressive operations. It was at this time the appellation Yaw or "Yutasat" which translates literaly to "strategic camp", was alien for the altered retreats. Today, a appointment to Yaw 4 provides a admirable appearance of the valleys and surrounding mountains of Lamphun and Lampang province. Yaw 4 (Camp 4) is amid 1,000 metres abroad from Yaw 3. High Mountains "yaw 1" In 1917, the State Railway of Thailand additionally congenital a leisure time abode at Yaw 1 (Camp 1) while architecture the railroad and adit in the basin below. Emil Eisenhofer, the german architect active in architecture the tunnel, declared at this abode as able-bodied as any visiting Thai dignitaries. The abode at Yaw 1 is still in execellent action and accessible to tourists. Mae Continued Avalanche If you get off at Mae Tan Noi railway base and airing for 3 kilometres, you won't absence this beautiful, year-round cascade. The avalanche is amid some 10 kilometres from Khuntan railway base and the atmosphere actuality is absolute for alleviation and reinvigoration. Tat Moie Avalanche Between Yow 2 and Yow 3, there is a aisle on the larboard ancillary bottomward to Tat Moie Waterfall. If you airing bottomward to Mae Yon Wai Basin for 300 meters, you won't absence it.
Tham Pha Thai National Park, Lampang
Thamphathai National Park covers the areas of Muang District, Jae Hom District, Ngao District of Lampang Province. The cartography of the National Park abide of aerial mountains, abounding balk forests and alloyed deciduous forests, as able-bodied as teak plantations overextension all over the areas. The National Park is the abode abode for a ample cardinal of agrarian animals. Best of the areas are baptize sources. Major day-tripper attractions accommodate Thamphathai, Lom Phukeaw, Kewlom Reservoir, Tham-okroo, Huay Maepreung. Moreover, there are abounding small-sized waterfalls all over the National Park, as able-bodied as the Young Elephant Training Center, a day-tripper allure of the Forest Industry Organization, anchored in the almost breadth of 1,284.9 aboveboard kilometers or 802,436.17 rai. The cartography of the National Park abide of aerial mountains, alloyed forests, teak plantations and reclaimed areas. Major mountaintops accommodate Doi Kewlom (1,202 meters high), followed by Doi Sanklang (1,022 meters high), Doi Phahuad (975 meters high). Best of the areas are balk forests and alloyed forests. Doi Luang (1,100 meters high) is anchored in the southern allotment of the National Park. Major agronomical sites are anchored in the eastern allotment of the National Park, meanwhile, in the western allotment of the National Park, best of the areas are balk forests. Gullies and streams in the western allotment of the National Park breeze into Wang River, meanwhile, best of the gullies and streams in the eastern allotment of the National Park breeze into Ngao River. Ban Huai Hok Actual Cave-Paintings The red paintings were created in the era of the abnormality association about 2,000-3,000 years ago, illustrating a accumulation of bodies walking in a line. Such blazon of paintings is not often begin in Thailand. To get to the actual site, tourists charge biking on bottom from Ban Huai Hok for about 3.5 km. Huai Tadnoi Avalanche Huai Tadnoi Avalanche is a small-sized avalanche with the abounding bright baptize throughout the year, anchored in the breadth of Ban Huai Pong, Jaehom District, Lampang Province. The avalanche can be accessed by car about 25 km from Lampang-Jaehom Road. Keunkewlom Backlog Keunkewlom Backlog is one of the acclaimed day-tripper attractions in Lampang Province. For sightseeing pleasures, tourists may accept rafting or sailing forth both abandon of the reservoir. There are 2 ballast sites at the backlog - the aboriginal one is at the backbone of Keunkewlom Reservoir, anchored about 14 km abroad from a annex alley of Highway No. 1 (Phaholyothin Road), whereby, the ambit amid the burghal of Lampang and the annex alley is about 20 km and the additional one is the Sampaothong Pier, anchored about 3 km abroad from a laterite annex alley of Highway No. 1055 (Lampang-Jaehom Road). Lomphukeaw Lomphukeaw is a acropolis basin anchored aural an almost breadth of 1-2 rai and accepting its appearance like a agitable vent. The basin has actual deep, greenish baptize and there is a acceptable accord of angle active in there. Forests aural the breadth of Lomphukeaw are arid, beloved forests, breadth a acceptable cardinal of agrarian animals alive in. Lomphukeaw is anchored about 14 km abroad from the avenue of Lampang-Phayao (Highway No. 1 or Phaholyothin Road), breadth there is a laterite annex alley to Ban Onn of Ngao District, Lampang Province. From Ban Onn, tourists may biking on bottom for about 3.5 km to get to Lomphukeaw. Mae Jaefa Avalanche Mae Jaefa Avalanche is a 9-step avalanche with bright water, anchored about 8 km abroad from Ban Thunghangmoo, Moo 1, Tambol Thung Peung, Jaehom District, Lampang Province, breadth tourists can admission by car. Maekae Avalanche Maekae Avalanche is a small-sized waterfall, originated from Maekae Gully, anchored in the breadth of Ban Maekae, Ngao District, Lampang Province, breadth tourists can admission by car for about 18 km from Ngao District. Maesan Avalanche Maesan (Tadmok) Avalanche is a 2-step small-sized avalanche with the abounding bright baptize throughout the year, anchored in the breadth of Ban Maesan, Maemor District, Lampang Province, breadth tourists can admission on bottom for about 5 km. Phathai Cavern Thamphathai originated from a limestone abundance at the abyss of 405 meters from the cavern entrance. Thamphathai has admirable stalagmites and stalactites forth the walking paths, alluring a lot of Thai and adopted tourists. Thamphathai is amid at km 665 of Highway No. 1 (Phaholyothin Road). Tourists may admission the cavern by demography a laterite annex alley for about 600 meters. Tham-Okroo, Huay Maepleung Situated adjacent the Maepleung Plantation's office. Thamratchakreu Originated from a limestone mountain, Thamratchakreu has admirable stalagmites and stalactites. Thamphathai is amid adjacent Ban Maekae, Ngao District, Lampang Province. Tourists may admission the cavern by demography the avenue from Ngao District to Ban Maekae for about 21 km and by walking for about 300 meters into the cave.
Mae Wa National Park, Lampang
Mae Wa Civic Esplanade amid in Mae Wa, Thoenburi , Lomrat, Mae Pa , Mae Mok, and Wiangmok sub-districts, Thoen district, Phrabatwangtuang sub-district, Mae Phrik district, Lampang province, and Wanchan sub-district, Samngao district, Maesalit sub-district, Ban Tak district, Tak province. It consists of complicatedly aerial mountains, advantageous backwoods which are the abode of a abundant cardinal of animals in abounding kinds, and admirable places to appointment such as Mae Wa Waterfall which has baptize breeze all the year annular and been able-bodied accepted by abounding people. Having acceptable way to appointment and analysis alone 19 km. from Thoen Commune Administration Office, Mae Wa Civic Esplanade is about 587 aboveboard kilometers and has been declared a civic esplanade back November 17, 2000. Mae Wa Civic Park, generally, is complicatedly aerial mountains. The arctic allotment consists of aerial and erected mountains while the average and south allotment consists of abundance ambit which has awfully apparent breadth on the top. The breadth has huge ache timberline abound everywhere that makes this breadth is actual beautiful. The west allotment of this breadth is Limestone Mountains aerial 300-400 meters aloft sea level.
Doi Chong National Park, Lampang
Doi Chong National Park is anchored in the areas of Sop Prap District, Thoen District, and Mae Phrik District of Lampang Province, and Li District of Lamphun Province. The bounded appearance of the National Park abide of aerial mountains. Doi Chong is the accomplished mountaintop of the National Park (1,339 meters aloft the sea level) with admirable backdrop and assorted kinds of forests including alloyed forests, barren beloved forests, and pinery, and actuality the antecedent of streams and rivers. The cartography of the National Park abide of baby sized and ample sized mountains, extending from the arctic to the southwest of the area. These mountains are the sources of abounding gullies abounding into Wang River (Wang River is the capital river of Lampang Province and additionally actuality the baptize antecedent for abounding reservoirs such as Maeprap Reservoir, Huai Maepu Reservoir, Mae-yong Reservoir, etc. In general, the cartography of the breadth abide of adamant mountains with adorning minerals, zinc, granite, and marble.
Chae Son National Park, Lampang
Jae Sawn National Park is a affluent aerial backwoods amid in the northeast of Lumpang province. It is anchored in the districts of Muang Bahn and Jae hom and covers an breadth of about 592 aboveboard km. The backwoods and mountains accommodate an important baptize antecedent for the surrounding area. The Park has abounding absorbing appearance including, waterfalls, caves and its acclaimed hot springs. Along with abounding breed of fauna and flora. All of this makes Jae Sawn an important abode for tourism aural Lumpang Province. Before Jae Sawn became the National Park it was a Backwoods Park which had two names Eang Nam Oun and Jae Sawn Avalanche The closing allotment it afterwards one of the Parks Waterfalls. Ministers accustomed the advance of tourism in Lumpang arena and the go advanced was accustomed to catechumen Jae Sawn Avalanche into a National Park. Preparations were fabricated from May 1986 to December 1987 for the anniversary of the Kings 60th altogether at Jae Sawn Avalanche on the 5th December 1987. The Park was clearly surveyed by Royal Backwoods Department agents anon afterwards this and led to a accommodation by the lath of directors, which in about-face led to the Royal Decree that clearly angry Jae Sawn into a National Park on 28th July 1988, acceptable Thailand's 58th National Park. Jae Sawn is a aerial Park absolute of Pee Pan Nam western abundance ambit which runs on a arctic south axis. This abundance ambit forms the bound amid the ambit of Lumpang and Chiang Mai. The tallest abundance on this ambit is Doi (Mt.) Langgar the third tallest in Thailand. Chae Son Hot Bounce Hot Springs: Accommodate an absorbing feature. There are 9 boreholes emiting the hot baptize from abysmal in the earth. The breadth is covered with abounding baby rocks and you will apprehension the aberrant aroma of sulphur in the air. The baptize emerges at a temperature of 73 degrees Celsius. Enabling you to abscess an egg in it in about 17 minutes, if you so wished. Doy Lann View Point Doy Lann View Point you can see admirable natual and get pleasure with camping area. Enjoy Dok Siew Dok Siew, Bauhinia tenuiflora Watt ex Clarke of ancestors Caesalpiniaceae, blossoms in February every year in the mountains of Par Miang Village, about 18 kilometers from Jae Son National Park Office. The agrarian annual decoratively blossoms all over the mountains in which adventurer can drive to get pleasure its beauty. Jae Sawn Avalanche Jae Sawn Waterfall: originationg from Mair Mawn brook it has baptize abounding all year. It has abounding pools and comprises of six levels in total. It is amid about 1km from the address and can be accomplished by car or by foot. Mae Bieg Avalanche Mae Bieg Waterfall: Another admirable waterfall, this is amid 3km from the Address and can be accomplished by a Nature Trail. The avalanche srop 100m over 3 levels. Mae Koon Avalanche Mae Koon Waterfall: abutting to Mae Mawn waterfall, avalanche over 100 m and flows into the aforementioned river as Mae Mawn. Mae Mawn Avalanche Mae Mawn Waterfall: is fast abounding with a aerial abatement absolute of abounding steps. It is 5km from the address by clay track. Pha - ngam Cave Pha - ngam Cave: is amid at substation 2 which is 8km from wahng Nua district. Substation 2 in about 60km from the headquarters. In this breadth there are abounding caves which tourists can visit, others include; Nam Cave, Mor Cave, Luang Cave and Loug Kae Cave. The Hot Bounce Apartment The Hot Bounce Rooms: comprise of 11 apartment for adequate in ample pools of bounce baptize and 16 apartment for demography a Thai appearance bath. The apartment are all affiliated by pipes to the hot spring. Bathing in the baptize is said to be acceptable for advantageous claret flow. You will accept to pay to use these rooms.
Mae Wong National Park, Kamphaeng Phet

Formerly, Mae Wong Civic Esplanade was the centre of acropolis association for archetype Hmong, Yao, Muzer and Karen. The esplanade was declared a civic esplanade on 14th September 1987 as the 55th esplanade of Thailand. This 894 km 2 esplanade is amid about 350 kilometers northwest of Bangkok in the ambit Nakon Sawan and Kampaeng Phet, West Thailand. The esplanade is actual asperous and arresting forth Tanon Thong Chai abundance range, abnormally on the arctic and west. With the accomplished aiguille at 1,964 m. aloft sea akin it is one of accomplished abundance ranges in the west of Thailand. Three capital rivers of which the Mae Wong River is the better cesspool the park. Chong Yen (Km. 93 ) Km. 93 Chong Yen: amid 28 kilometers from the headquarters. Km. 93 is the accomplished aiguille of Klong Lan-Umpang alley so the acclimate is air-conditioned and windy. Besides, the animation demography angle this is additionally an accomplished abode for bird watching. Kaeng Pa Nang Koy avalanche Kaeng Pa Koy Nang rapids: Amid some 1,400 meters from the headquarters, this is an ideal armpit for a barbecue and bathing. About 350 meters from the accelerated there is Pa Nang Koy Waterfall-the baby abatement but beautiful. Moreover, there is bivouac abreast the waterfall. Mae Rewa Avalanche Mae Rewa Waterfall: is amid some 21 kilometers from the Headquarters. It has 5 levels and a abysmal basin at the abject ideal for swimming. To ability there you can booty a backpack to the fall. Mae Gee Avalanche Mae Gee and Mae Wong Waterfall: both are originated from Tanon Thong Chai abundance range. One of the levels of Mae Gee has a arduous bead of over 200 meters authoritative it one of the better in Southeast Asia. You can ability by hiking. Mae Kra Sa Avalanche Mae Kra Sa Waterfall: has a bead of over 1,000 meters disconnected over 9 levels. It is about 21 kilometers from the Address and you can get pleasure hiking through the attributes aisle to the fall. Mokoju Aiguille Mokoju Peak: is like the esplanade symbol. At 1,964 meters aloft sea level, this accomplished aiguille is the best admirable in the region. In air-conditioned season, you can adore a admirable billow forest. You can backpack for 38 kilometers from the Address and booty at atomic 5 canicule adequate the attributes there. Viewpoint Km.57-115 Along the Klong Lan-Umpang alley accept viewpoint: at Km.81, km.87, km.93, km.102 and km.115 there is a angle with affecting and amazing angle on the abundance scenery.
Khlong Wang Chao National Park, Kamphaeng Phet
On the 7th December B.E. 2531 (1988), the Minister of Agriculture and accommodating and parties accept surveyed the action of conservation, backwoods Klong Wang Chao, Klong Suan Mak forests. They begin the abundant and densely teak backwoods and others features. They would like to conserve the forest, thus, Klong Wang Chao National Esplanade was gazetted on the 29th Augus B.E. 2533, (1990) with 747 km 2 . Most of the breadth consists of complicated mountains lying forth the arctic and south. They are one allotment of Thong Jai Alley moutain ambit and there is a apparent breadth in their boilerplate allotment which looks like two pan basins accoutrement 2000 - 5000 rais. The important abundance ranges are Yen mountain, Tao Dam mountain, Tad Roop Kai mountain, Mee mountain, Doi Bang Sung, Bang Cha Le mountain, etc. Yen abundance amid in the western esplanade is the accomplished aiguille with alpine about 1,898 meters aloft the boilerplate sea akin while the acme of this breadth is about 300 - 2,000 meters aloft sea level. Hot Well Hot Well balmy baptize erupts from the apple face with boilerplate temperature of 50-70 degrees Celsius. The breadth covers 1 rai or 0.0016 km2. Amid about 1.5 kilometers from Tao Dam. It is additionally a abode of agrarian pig, barking deer and asmber deer. Khao Kradan Khoa Kradan is a bluff breadth of Khao Tao Dum Mountain, amid adjacent Tao Dum Waterfall. It's so alleged Khao Kradran (Mountain Board) because its appearance looks like a bluff that congenital from abounding copse boards overlaid up till 300 beat height. Khao Panang Cavern Khao Panang Cavern a big cavern situates abreast Klong Suan Mak. The 100 meters continued cavern comprises with stalactite and stalagmite. Klong Pong Avalanche It is a slate avalanche consists of four levels. The top akin is 100 meters high. Travelers accept to airing about 20 kilometers through semi-evergreen forest. Klong Samo Kluay Avalanche Klong Samo Kluay Avalanche a boilerplate admeasurement avalanche with 5 levels. The aboriginal levels drops 40 meters. Baptize reflected topaz colour, which is admirable and mysterious. Amid 800 meters from Head Quater. Klong Wang Chao Avalanche Klong Wang Chao Avalanche is a boilerplate avalanche in Klong Wang Chao. The baptize drops over 60 meters aerial bluff to the basin below. Situated on km. 29 of Wang Chao-Lo Ko road, 29 kilometers from Phaholyothin road. Nan Kao Roo Nan Kao Roo it is called by acropolis tribe. Because Lo Ko stream, which passes this area, flows through the abundance to the addition slope. Pak Klong Nakiri Pak Klong Nakiri a accustomed accelerated has baptize breeze over granite. It is a affair point of Klong Wang Chao and Klong Nara Kiri. Pha Klom Pha Klom it looks like a big pencil diving the apple face. The steeply bluff is accomplished by biking from Nam Kao Roo for 3 kilometers. Tao Dam Avalanche Tao Dam Avalanche a 3 levels waterfall, anniversary has 200 meters high. The third akin beeline bottomward 270 meters that fabricated it abundant and wonderful. Tham ThepPhaNom Tham ThepPhaNom are huge admeasurement caves with abounding bats living. The attributes about like Tham Khao PaNang.
Khlong Lan National Park, Kamphaeng Phet
Klong Lan Civic Esplanade amid on Amphur Klong Lan and Muang, Kampaeng Phet province. It covers Klong Lan forest, which is the aftermost backwoods circuitous of Kampaeng Phet. It is additionally a watershed for abounding fields of Mae Ping River such as Klong (canal in English) Klung, Klong Suan Mak. The 300 km2 esplanade was appointed a civic esplanade on the 25th December B.E. 2525 (1982) as the 44th civic esplanade of Thailand. The esplanade is asperous and hilly, and is covered by abundant forest. Anniversary abundance connects to Khun Klong Lan, the accomplished point with 1,439 meters from sea level. Kaeng Ko Roi Kaeng Ko Roi: amid on Umpang- Klong Lan road, at Ban Pong Ron forth the alley for 15 kilometers. The accelerated is formed by Klong Suan Mak, which comprises stream, bulge and beach; amidst by valleys. Klong Lan Waterfall Klong Lan Waterfall: amnion from abounding beck drops over the 100 meters aerial cliff, which is 40 meters wide. It is one of the best admirable avalanche in Kampaeng Phet. Klong Nam Lai or Pang Kwai Waterfall Klong Nam Lai or Pang Kwai Waterfall: amid 25 kilometers from the Headquarters. It has 9 levels, anniversary has altered basin and acme but you can bathe in the 3rd akin pool
Lam Nam Kok National Park, Chiang Rai
The breadth of Namtok Khun Kon Backwoods Park, Namtok Huai Kaeo-Bo Namron Huai Mak Liam Backwoods Esplanade and Namtok Pong Phra Bat Backwoods Park., Chiangrai province, which accept the armpit in the around boundary. There is rather abounding accustomed action but there are no abutment laws to administrate so it was clumsy to advance the abeyant of the breadth and the capital tourism spots for backpack the amplification of a community, additionally with the tourists who campaign into Chiangrai Province, which is the arctic important tourism bound town, so the Royal Backwoods Department beatific some of admiral to analysis Backwoods Esplanade as mentioned and including National Reserved Backwoods breadth and in the around breadth and on January 2001 started to analyze a primary advice and additionally beatific some of the admiral to ascendancy the area. On July 2001 and in the account year 2002, the Royal Backwoods Department planned the affairs and the estimates to accept ambience Lam Nam Kok to be a National Esplanade including approval to assemble the appointment barrio at the armpit of Huaimakliam watershed administration assemblage office, in the bounded of Doi Hang sub-district, Mueang District, Chiangrai province. Permission application this breadth was from the Royal Backwoods Department on May 10, 2002. Topography of Lam Nam Kok National Esplanade is aerial angled aerial alternating attenuated plain. Arctic and south of the breadth is aerial downhill, the average is river apparent alternating the acropolis canal with 500-1,720 m aerial aloft msl. The capital abundance ridges are Doi Yao, Doi Bo, Doi Chang, Doi Pha Mup etc. Maenam Kok is the capital river of the arctic that the aerial allotment flows through average bottomland of the area. Head baptize alpha from Myanmar abounding canyon the abuttals of Thailand at Thaton sub-district, Chiangrai Arena from the west to the east with absolute ambit from Thaton to National esplanade about 85 kms. Beside that there are abounding of streamlines which is built-in from the added abundance backbone in the breadth as Huai Mae Kon, Huai Mae Mon, Huai Yadi, Huai Chomphu, Huai San, Huai Mae Sai and Huai Lao-ai, these are assemblage to be the capital river and accessory to Maenam Lao and Maenam Kok, which are the capital river of Chiangrai Province. Khun Kon avalanche 34 kms far from the burghal of Chiangrai. It is a waterfall, which has bright beck all year continued after limestone debris and added than 70 meters high. Route to Namtok Khun Kon is encircling with the several of bulb breed and alien hillocks with the affable atmosphere for adequate .There is abounding accepted backwoods action and aerial bio-diversity. Huai Kaeo avalanche 25 kms far from the burghal of Chiangrai. Go to the west of Chiangrai-Siyaek Bandenha road. It is a avalanche that is built-in from Huai Kaeo beck accessory to Huai Pongnamron and accessory to Maenam Kok River. Pong Phra Bat avalanche 14 kms far from the burghal of Chiangrai in the arctic forth artery cardinal 110 (Chiangrai-Mae Chan). An islet avalanche with the alabaster creamy aerosol back abatement bottomward and bright baptize in the affable atmosphere which is encircling with the abounding of plants for relaxing. And adequate the adorableness of the nature. Huai Mae Sai The avalanche that is built-in from Huai Mae Sai River which has alike beck breeze all year. There are 2 levels in this waterfall, the aboriginal is 14 m aerial and 20 m aerial as following. The admirable and the affable of the angle of attributes are cat-and-mouse for everyone. Pang Sa avalanche With absolute 7 levels, anniversary has altered of the beauty. The accomplished is 70 m. Around the breadth of avalanche band with the adorableness of several of bulb breed and aerial bio-diversity. Huai Mak Liam Hot Bounce 20 kms far from the burghal of Chiangrai. This hot bounce is appear from the attributes calefaction below the world, which has hot baptize to bob up all time. Back brought the eggs into this hot bounce about 30 minutes, the acidity of the above egg will added good and added adorable than accustomed boiled. This avalanche is adapted for night company to put up the covering in the admirable night. Pong Fu Fueang Hot Bounce About 1.8 kms from the crossroad of Mae Suai-Chiangrai Land highway. There are 2 hot bounce wells in this abode with about 75C. Lam Nam Kok Rafting Lam Nam Kok is the welknown river of Chiangrai that flows forth the foothills apparent from west to east, the alpha is Ban Thaton and abounding canyon the burghal of Chiangrai and again accessory to Maenam Khong at Chiang Saen commune with absolute ambit about 80 kms.
Khun Chae National Park,Chiang Rai

Khun Chae Civic Park, amid one hour northeast of Chiangmai, was declared a civic esplanade in 1995 due to its important baptize resources, all-encompassing forests, wildlife, admirable waterfalls and breathtaking views. Deriving its name from Khun Chae Waterfalls, this 270 aboveboard kilometer civic esplanade has been inhabited for about 100 years by Thai villagers. Recently, Karen and Laha acropolis tribes accept acclimatized abreast the borders of the park. Khun Chae Civic Esplanade is amid in an breadth breadth the apparent abject bedrock is of two altered types, ablaze and sedimentary. Most of the esplanade is covered with granite, an ablaze bedrock accepted in Northern Thailand. Granite looks like ample grains of shiney alkali and atramentous pepper. The white allotment that looks like alkali is absolutely quartz and feldspar. The atramentous allotment that looks like pepper is mica. Anotherigneous bedrock begin in the esplanade is alleged tuff which was expelled from a abundance as lava, but cooled almost bound into a gray, accomplished grained rock. This agitable tuff can be begin in genitalia of the eastern ancillary of the park. The sedimentary rocks; sandstone, siltstone and shale are acquired from sediments deposited in baptize and accustomed into solid bedrock over all-inclusive periods of time. The sandstone begin in Khun Chae is gray, with baby grains of beach alloyed in a dense, adamantine rock. The shale is addict colored, bendable and splits calmly forth alongside lines. The mural of Khun Chae is actual abrupt with abounding creeks generally bottomward precipitously into a cardinal of waterfalls. The abrupt breadth is acquired primarily by the aerial aggregate of melancholia rain, and awful erodable soil. Maetow Waterfalls Maetow Waterfalls accept seven levels, the accomplished of which are about 40 meters, the lowest, admitting aloof a few meters high, are admirable and accept baptize during the dry season. From the esplanade headquarters, the trailhead to Maetow Waterfalls is about 30-40 account by vehicle. From the trailhead, all seven levels of the avalanche can be accomplished in about two hours. Khum Chae Waterfalls Khum Chae Waterfalls consists of six levels, anniversary accepting of its own altered charm. A barbecue area/campground is amid at the trailhead to the waterfalls and a rustic bedfellow abode is accessible for brief stays. Khun Chae Avalanche are a two hour drive from the esplanade address and a one hour airing from the trailhead. Doi Mot Doi Mot: The aisle to Doi Mot passes through a amazing wet beloved forest. A lush, dense, assorted layered backwoods covers a bright air-conditioned pond, amidst by a blubbery advance of arena plants including epiphytic and arena orchids, ferns, mosses and added plants that adulation adumbration and a wet environment. The top of the mountain, at 1700 meters, affords amazing angle of the forests and mural of the surrounding area. Visitors can see Chiang Mai Arena to the west, Chiang Rai arena to the east, Doi Lahnga in the south and to the north, Doi Phangome. Doi Lahnga Doi Lahnga: At aloof over 2,031 meters, majestic Doi Lahnga is Thailand's fifth accomplished peak. The aisle to the top of Doi Lahnga accredit visitors to see abounding amazing angle of Khun Chae Civic Park, and the surrounding area. Doi Lahnga and its abounding sister peaks are amid on the acute southern abuttals of the park, adjoining to Jae Sawn Civic Esplanade and Mae Dahkry Civic Park. Mae Chang Khao Reservoir Mae Chang Khao Reservoir: abreast Ranger Station 1 provides a adequate ambience for picnickers attractive for a altered twist. Picnickers ride out into the average of the basin on a bamboo bulk and get pleasure their meal in the quiet and peaceful atmosphere of a freshwater lake. Doi Pha Ngom Doi Pha Ngom is a abundance ambit in the average of the breadth that lies west to east. There is an erected bluff protruded to the west and has montane backwoods alloyed with alloyed deciduous backwoods in which appropriates for recreation, trekking, and get pleasure seeing scenery.
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